Sunday, October 14, 2012

Totally Committed

Can't believe it's been over three months since I've blogged...time does fly when you're having fun!  But today is October 14th, a very special day in my family, one worth pausing to think about and blog about.  You see, sixty-three years ago today was the second most important day in my parents' lives.  The first most important day was the day they committed themselves to Christ.  Their second most important day was the day Harley Eugene Daniel and Marie Ellen Hitchcock committed themselves to each other and after sixty-three years their commitment "till death do us part" is stronger than ever!  In over six decades together they have lived in four different states, raised three girls in a Christian home, sent their girls through a Christian college and wed them off to Christian mates.  They have helped care for three grandsons, three granddaughters and two great-grandchildren.  They have served the church as deacon and deacon's wife and elder and elder's wife.  Together they have  entertained countless Christians in their home and led many, many more to Christ.  They continue to work and play side-by-side each day serving others and serving each other.  I was blessed last week to spend several days in their home observing with delight the way they have truly become one person, finishing each other's sentences, reading each other's mind, completing each other's tasks and unashamedly giving each other constant hugs, kisses and affirmations of "I love you"s.  It did my heart good to see that level of commitment in my parents because it seems like here lately I've seen so much of the other side.  I hear every week of another young couple who has decided to give up, that they feel their marriage isn't worth fighting for and that breaks my heart.  I  know life is hard, struggles are real, disagreements will happen...My parents have had their share and they haven't hidden that from me.  But they've learned that with Christ and commitment they can get through it and make every day better than the one before.  I want to be just like them when I grow up!
Today, October 14th, is very special to me for another reason.  Forty-five years ago today was THE most important day in my life...the day I committed my life to Christ.  I didn't realize that day that it was my parents' eighteenth wedding anniversary.  There were a lot of things I didn't realize back then, after all, how much can a nine-year old girl really know?  But I knew who Jesus was and I knew what He did for me and I knew that I wanted to live for Him.  So I committed my life to Him that day and I've been trying to honor that commitment "till death, then we shall never part" ever since.  Did I understand on that day everything my spiritual journey would involve?  Not any more than my Mom as a blushing 19-year-old bride understood about marriage.  But I've learned with Christ and commitment I can make every day better than the one before.  And I thank God that he never gives up on me!

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