Wednesday, May 2, 2012


One of the sweetest sounds to my ears is hearing Pete's laugh.  When he was a baby I longed to hear a "normal baby" cry but the best he could muster was an occasional high-pitched whimper, sounding more like an injured cat.  Now after 29 years he still hasn't mastered the art of crying, occasionally trying to convince us with a pitiful "fake cry", but he has learned to laugh, and laugh often.  This manchild of ours has provided years of joy as we have laughed at him/with him at his antics which we find humorous but in a "normal" person we might find, well, stupid!  Now it's his turn to laugh at us.  A week or so ago we woke up in Bardwell, Kentucky and I asked Keith if he remembered waking me up in the middle of the night in a panic asking me, "Sandra, Where are we?"  When I said this Pete erupted into a giggle, and I call it a giggle because that's what his laugh usually sounds like...a little girl's giggle.  Then I told Keith I didn't worry about him asking that, after all we wake up in a different town every week. But I said I would start worrying when he woke me up calling me by the wrong name, at which Pete let out a big belly laugh, rolling in the floor laughing.  And it dawned on me, He got it!  I'm so glad that of all the things we have taught Pete over the years we've taught him to have a sense of humor.  As Keith and I get older and have some "Senior moments" we start asking ourselves who among us is most mentally challenged!  In spite of all of our disabilities I'm thankfull that we have the ability to laugh at ourselves.  Maybe some day we will die laughing!