Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happy Birthday, Ben!!!

Today marks a milestone for someone who is near and dear to my heart.  My sweet father-in-law, Ben Paul Parker, aka Papa, turns 80 years old today.  I know that this isn't that noteworthy in an age where more and more people are living into their 80's and even their 90's but for the Parker family this day is pretty remarkable.  For the last few years Ben has faced death over and over again, even had CPR performed on him by  a team of doctors and nurses in the operating room as recently as four months ago.  For several years Keith has prayed that our parents would live into their 80's.  My parents reached the goal of that prayer a few years ago and Keith's mother will this August.  Keith and I are all too aware of how many of our friends have already lost all their parents and are very grateful to have all four of ours still with us.  But no matter how old they become, no matter how many health challenges they have or how feeble we see them becoming right before our eyes, we're never ready to give them up.  So today we rejoice that Ben has lived to celebrate his 80th birthday with his family.  I watched him last Saturday as he got ready to go to his birthday party and delighted in his excitement as he donned his party hat and kept urging us "C'mon..let's go!" like an eager eight-year-old.  Ben has always had a zest for life and lived it to the fullest, whether taking his grandsons fishing or taking his granddaughters on special trips, pushing the grandkids to go on just one more roller coaster ride at Opryland or stay up past midnight to yell "Roll Tide" one more time on Bourbon Street!  Though he has slowed down considerably physically, his appreciation for life hasn't waned.  Every one of his kids and grandkids can probably tell you of the number of times he has persuaded them to come sit with him in his car so he can play for them one more time the tape of Daniel O'Donnell crooning the words to his favorite song:  "Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery and only this moment is mine."  Last Saturday I couldn't help but think that the last time Ben was surrounded by that many of his loved ones was in the hospital room when we were afraid that day might be his last.  Ben had requested for his party that there be no gifts (though we all ignored that request).  I think he knows that for him at this point the greatest gift is life itself.  And though he would be the first to tell you that he is prepared spiritually to leave this life and go to live with God, for now he is going to love this life and live each day to the fullest.  Happy Birthday, Ben!!!

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